I don't really have anything to say about motherhood that doesn't sound totally cliche. You know how you grow up and realize that the universe doesn't, in fact, revolve around you? For me, becoming a mom was like that all over again, only this time, I realized that my universe revolves around Ivy. On mornings like this one, I twiddle my thumbs and wait for her to wake up. Those little dark eyes, squinty from sleep, find mine and oh thank goodness.
This was the first Mother's Day where I got a flower at church and played Fruit Ninja in the mother's lounge. And those are huge milestones for me. But I also had moments of deep reflection as the occasion lended itself inward instead of outward for the first time ever. Luckily for me, I'm not too harsh of a critic. Ivy is getting chubbier, smiling oftener, and she looks at me like I am all that is good and right in her world. Perhaps future Mother's Days will come with more inner conflict, but this one was wonderful.
My once roommate Brittney came over yesterday and took dozens of pictures of Ivy and me and I loved seeing her. I'll admit, it's also really nice when someone is almost as obsessed with your baby as you are. Also, I want to note that even though I look super tired in all these pictures, it's just the lack of make-up. Ivy sleeps at least 6 hours at a time at night. I know. It's awesome.