Even now, 6 days later, I am still having a hard time sitting down and doing this. Not because I'm so exhausted or because I need my free time to take showers or because I'm in such dreadful pain, but because she is growing RIGHT NOW and it kills me not to just be holding her. But I can do it because Luke is here, taking a little nap with her on the bed, so her tinyness is being savored and I can spare a few minutes.
So, here is the story of Ivy Jane Bangerter's birth. It's not too graphic or anything, but if it's not your thing (because it's totally my thing) you can scroll down to the pictures. But - let's be honest - if looking at baby pictures is your thing, then reading birth stories is probably your thing.
I went to my doctor's appointment on Wednesday at noon, and he said that I could be induced on Friday morning. I was pretty happy about that because remember that wretched evening I had a few months back? Well, I had been having those all the time and was worried that they would send me into labor - in total pain already and exhausted. So I was happy that they would induce me. But I was also a little sad that after 9 months, I wouldn't get to have that "going into labor" experience where I grab my stomach and say "Luke...it's time!" I was excited...but still.
So I went back to work and declared that it would be my last day and made plans for Thursday. I would go to Aveda and get my roots done! I would clean up my apartment and make some meals and freeze them. I would plan a fun date for Luke and I and try to get to sleep to await my 5 AM appointment with pitocen and an epidural. Luke was thrilled. I guess he was a little less sentimental about the whole thing, and just wanted to know that he wouldn't have to deliver our baby if I somehow went into turbo-labor and yeah, he's no fun at all.
However, that night, at about 2 AM, I started having cramps that seemed to happen every 5-6 minutes. I promptly downloaded a contraction-counting app (Yeah! Modern labor!) and I was getting increasingly uncomfortable. "I will not be one of those girls who goes in to the hospital and gets sent home!" I mentally declared, and then audibly declared when Luke woke up and started to worry. So I killed time by taking a bath, watching an episode of Psych, and letting Luke pack the bags. At 6 AM, I finally said we could go to the hospital.
All right, so the whole time - putting on a gown, getting all hooked up to monitors, laying there for an hour watching my contractions quantified on a screen - I was so anxious and certain that I would be sent home. I could just imagine the doctor coming in and saying "I said tomorrow and tomorrow it will be!" But that did not happen. The nurse came in and said "Are you ready to have this baby today?!" and you know what? I was.
They broke my water and gave me an epidural between 9 and 10, and it was just great. The contractions were getting pretty bad, especially after my water was broken, and I was getting very mean. Mostly to Luke, since he was around. But the epidural made me feel all warm (or was that my water leaking? Who knows?!) and happy and relaxed. I called my siblings and texted my friends and just thought about how terribly exciting it all was. Luke slept on the little bed/couch thing and I was happy that he was sleeping.
I sat like that for hours, and they would check on me and I was progressing beautifully, albeit slowly, but I never needed pitocen. At about 4, they said it was time to start pushing, and at 4:25, she arrived. For reals! 20 minutes later! It was completely unreal. I would push and they would tell me I was doing great and I really felt like nothing was happening. I could feel pressure, especially during a contraction, but I didn't feel like I was getting any closer to having a baby. But then...there she was! All weirdy looking and squirming and not crying and I could not believe it!
The recovery so far has been great. The hospital staff was phenomenal. Being home is perfect. And being a mother is the most fulfilling thing in the world. Especially when your baby is so nice and so soft. I wish I had words. Maybe I will have some later. Now you can look at some pictures. And come see us!
Ivy Jane Bangerter - 6 pounds 12 ounces, 19 inches long.

The Aunties (like 2 hours post-birth)
I took a shower at the hospital, and when I got out, Luke had taken like 10 pictures of Ivy. This is one of them.
Ahhh...look at my exhausted little family!

This is the same little pink, fluffy thing I wore home from the hospital. She was swimming in it, but we tried.

These pictures are really in no particular order, so I'm sorry. Ivy just woke up and I need to feed her and love her and look at those big dark eyes for a few short hours.