Sunday, May 5, 2013

For Those Days When Your Newsfeed Just Doesn't Give You Enough Ivy

I probably post about 1/8th (I'm not sure if that "th" was superfluous) as many pictures of Ivy as I want to on Facebook. I'll be honest, I'm glad that I have people who post too many pictures of their babies because I feel like I have a firm grasp on what that is. Which is not to say that I am not sometimes guilty. Like when a holiday happens to occur right before Ivy does something cute and then I'm like "post two days in a row or...what?" This never happened to me pre-baby. I have never created anything nearly as impressive.

And once babies become real people, they move around all the time. I can't capture stuff like I want to and Ivy is always more interested in grabbing my phone or camera than she is in doing whatever cute thing she was doing in the first place.

So last week, I decided to take our camera along on one of our bi-weekly trips to the library. One of my favorite things about our apartment, which I'm sure I already mentioned, is its proximity to the library. I have been consuming books for the last 6 months and I don't plan on that letting up any time soon. If you have any good recommendations, I would love to hear them.

So here's a slew of pictures from a day in the life of me and the Ives:

Even though she doesn't look like me, people have stopped asking me if she's my baby. Which is a relief, because it was weird when they did that. I have decided that it's because we are very companionable. She looks at me and I look at her and we have a pretty good idea of just how much we need each other.

But with everything I have given her - food, clothes, attention, way too many library books per visit - I know that we are a mere 18ish weeks from giving her the best thing in the world. A sister. A companion. A confidante, friend, and ally. Someday when we are not the best of friends, I am comforted by the idea that she might still confide in her sister, who loves her just as much. If we can't live close to each other, maybe they will be roommates.

OR maybe I'm just being a ridiculous sentimental pregnant mess. You be the judge.

1 comment:

  1. You're just being a ridiculous sentimental pregnant mess. just kidding. I can't wait to meet her companion. With any luck she'll be docile and forgiving and Ivy will be the brains/wit of the operation.
