I bet you thought the big news was that we are having a baby girl. Well, you are wrong. The big news is that Luke got a job with army intelligence and we are moving to San Antonio, Texas sometime next year. We found out on Wednesday, and celebrated by getting our very own Costco cards!
Life is really great right now. We knew that we would finally be able to call our baby "he" or "she" after Thursday, but we didn't know that we would also be able to call ourselves adults. I am currently celebrating my adult status by ordering prints of our wedding pictures from Costco. (It's probably important for girl-Ebi to know that her parents are married, even if she is the very definition of a honeymoon baby. It's legit.)
Anyways, ultrasound. It was incredible. Luckily, I was prepared to not find out the gender until the end, so I was happy taking in each little part of the baby and asking hundreds of questions about everything. And it was good that I was in no hurry to gander at Ebi's sexy bits, because she was in no hurry to show them off. It took three tries to finally get a clear picture, and even then, it wasn't the clearest.
My favorite part of the ultrasound actually wasn't the gender determination or the profile, though that was pretty transcendental. I loved seeing her little arms and legs moving around.

I just want to point out here that I recognize that other peoples' babies are just not as cool as your own. I recognize that. I further acknowledge that this picture does not look like a human. But allow me to explain why I love it so dearly. This is a picture of MY baby and she is crossing her tiny little arms in front of her tiny little face, and, as someone who has said "I do what I want!" more times in her life than I can count, I love imagining my baby being a little snarky, too.

And here is her little body. The weird thing about ultrasounds that I somehow didn't notice during my disinterested perusal of probably a hundred pictures like this of other peoples' babies is the fact that you can kind of see the skin and the bones at the same time. This got a little bit creepy sometimes, like when the ultrasound tech lady tried to tell us that we were looking at a picture of our baby's face when we were clearly looking at a picture of a baby skull. This one is a little less of the creepy factor and more of the cool. I loved seeing the spine and the ribs, but you can also see the faint outline of a nose and lips. I'll see that nose and those lips all the time when she is born, but I hopefully won't have many chances to see her bones.

So, there you have it. Luke and I went and bought a bunch of little onesies and nightgowns at Target, and then I brought them over to show Natalie. I'm so happy that I get to share the joy of a baby with my sisters for a while, and especially with Natalie. She graciously gave me all her "If I ever have a girl" clothes saved from yard sales over the years, and we tried our best to make some headbands. She is gifted in this regard, I am not. We'll consult some blogs and try again.
As for Luke and I, we are thrilled as can be. I didn't sleep at all the night before last, anticipating the ultrasound, and then I didn't sleep last night, thinking about our tiny little girl who lives inside me. I've never been happier to lose sleep.
All our granddaughters are special but this one has cheeks! Just like her mother. Can't wait to see her and spoil her rotten. (Marlee's Dad using Marlee's Mom's account)
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