So, this Thursday, I will get to have my first ultrasound and find out all sorts of things about Ebi. When I found out I was pregnant, (in the bathroom at work. yeah. I know.) I was more than a little freaked out. I came home and just sort of sat on the couch until Luke got home. I had texted him very confusing things all day - "I'm going to take a pregnancy test?" "oh...I'll tell you later, how is work?" "um...I didn't end up taking if after all!" Poor guy. Anyways, he came home and I burst into tears.
Between blubbering, I managed perfectly articulate my fear of being a pregnant newlywed, of being fat and emotional (totally unjustified, right?) and changing so much without him ever really knowing the cool, normal-sized, non-gestating Marlee. We were both in such uncharted territory that we just sort of sat there on a scratchy couch for a few minutes without talking, then Luke said, "Let's go see what's in the dollar theater."
So, in the weeks and months that followed, we sort of followed that system. I would bemoan my state, usually after throwing up for the third or fourth time in a day, and Luke would have a good idea, like rubbing my feet or taking me for a drive. The plus side was that I didn't have much of a chance to gain weight.
But now I'm in a happy place. Ebi (our little semi-affectionate name for the baby, meaning "shrimp" in Japanese) is now as long as a banana. I feel like an organic fishbowl, and every now and then, a little swish or a bump, and that's just wonderful to me. I haven't thrown up in weeks. WEEKS. (I feel like I'm at Bulimics Anonymous, typing that.)
I understand why people wait for a while to have children, but for us, the pregnancy has brought us closer in such a unique way. I love the way that Luke will talk to Ebi as he puts lotion on my newly-expanding and insanely itchy stomach. I love how he will put vitamin gummi bears on the side of my plate. I love how he lets me move a flashlight around on my stomach into the wee hours so I can feel the baby move. I especially love how he thinks of the WORST names. (Smeagol Bangerter?!) It just feels so right to be sharing this moment, and my identity has remained perfectly intact.
So, as I was saying, this Thursday we'll find out if Ebi is a girl or a boy shrimp, and we'll probably stop calling it Ebi. This is the part where I would post a picture of my baby bump, but I really just don't have one. I don't know where I am hiding a banana-sized person, but I'm a little embarrassed about the fact that I look a little chubby at most, but nothing baby-indicating. So, whatever.
That's how I was too! When I came home for Christmas last year, I was 20 weeks and no one believed that I was pregnant. The baby bump thing was a little anticlimactic...