Monday, July 4, 2016

Japan is weird and wonderful

One of my favorite things so far is seeing the random English words scattered around. Most of the time, you can get the basic idea behind their use, but sometimes it is just a hilarious mystery. I think that it's kind of similar to how French words are sometimes used randomly on decor or accessories because it is a classy language that looks pretty. For some reason, English seems to be like that over here. French too, but I can't read those ones. 

This was at a diner at the train station that was supposed to have an American vibe. I laughed so hard at all the words that were....technically American phrases...but seemed so ridiculous out of context like that. My favorite would have to be "the burger is might!" What the heck. 

"Go out in the pleasant place - I looked forward joyfully to the night outing" I saw kids wearing stuff like that all over the place, but it's not cool to photograph strangers, so here's an example of the strange though not technically incorrect prose that you see. 

This one was on a baby onesie thing, the kind of tag that would usually say "Big Guy" or "Mr. Crabby" or something. But yeah. "Liar Wind." 

I laugh and laugh every time I look at this. It's so awkward and hysterical that I can't handle it. These are some tissues I got at the 100 yen store. I can't decide which one I love the most.

The design of this package is classy, but it still makes for some weird translation. 

Okay, enough making fun of other cultures. I know for a fact that I have done many, many awkward things since I got here, not to mention the dozens that I probably don't even know I did. Maybe some Japanese blogger is sharing my faux pas with her friends right now, and I'm cool with that. 

We are having a great time. Not just a "keep a stiff upper lip" and "it will get better soon" great time. A legitimately awesome time. We went to Lalaport on Saturday, which was really fun and different. We ended up buying a second Ergo because June frequently decides to just fall asleep while we are on our adventures and she is far to big to heft around in the conventional way. Especially with all the walking we do. 

Great things I have learned this weekend: Our kids ride the train FOR FREE. This changes everything. Our plan was to get two cars because I imagined it wouldn't be economical for us to take the train. Now I'm thinking of just learning how to use the train to get around with the kids. Then I wouldn't have to worry about parking and getting lost. As much.

Another thing:  People out here wear weird shoes because they walk or bike everywhere and normal kind just don't cut it. So I got some ugly, comfortable shoes and my life is better. 

We loved eating and playing in Lalaport. It's only a couple of stops away on the train, so we will definitely be going back there often. 

Isn't our church building just beautiful? And our branch seems great. I am excited to get a calling and start serving. 

Yesterday we went to a yakiniku place, which was SO cool. A little grill in the middle of the table cooks all your food and they had a plethora of meats and sauces. 

Our Fourth of July celebration was on Saturday, when the base opened up the gates to let anyone come and play carnival games, listen to super loud American pop music, and eat overpriced hot dogs. It was actually really fun, though I didn't get any pictures. Ivy loved walking back to our hotel and shouting "konnichiwa!" at every Japanese person we saw. What a goofball. 


  1. I laughed out loud MANY times while reading this post. I love it!! So grateful that you are capturing and sharing.

  2. I laughed out loud MANY times while reading this post. I love it!! So grateful that you are capturing and sharing.

  3. Japan seems like an amazing adventure and the designer in me would go gaga over all the strange packaging and especially the CLOTHES. I have loved reading all your posts so far and I hope you will keep it up and regularly. We miss you!! Xoxo

  4. I love reading about your adventures. Would it break the camera if you took a picture of your ugly, comfortable shoes? I'm so curious.
