Monday, May 9, 2011


Let me tell you how wonderful it is being in Washington. I feel like it adds days to my life. It is probably going to be the last time I visit home as Marlee Nelson, and I know that marriage and babies changes relationships with siblings. Mostly for the better, but after spending a few days here, I feel grateful for this short time I get to have with my brothers and sister as just Marlee.

The oldest sibling at home is Seth. He is brilliant, athletic, outgoing, hilarious - altogether much more ready for adulthood than I was (am). When I flew in on Saturday afternoon, he had just driven his brothers home from a camping trip. He is taking one of the cutest girls in our ward to Prom. In a ward where parents tell their sons to go on cheap dates so as to "not spend money on someone else's wife," Seth is planning a wonderful evening, and is genuinely excited to make this lucky girl feel special. I love his laugh, and how he sees humor in everything. He's such a good friend.

Next comes Brian. He has totally surprised me this trip. He is so helpful and generous, not at all the whining, teasing brother I feel like I had just a few months ago. On Sunday, determined to make a beautiful centerpiece for the dinner table, we searched for budding branches and then clippers to remove them. He's quieter now, reminding me more of Eric, and is often deep in thought. He's also super tall, reminding me of some non-Nelson tall person. He's so cute and interesting. I can't wait to get to know this new Brian better.

Oh, Marielle. The youngest girl, surrounded by brothers. She is so unique. I don't think she's ever picked up a Barbie in her whole life, but she can name all the feral cats that roam our 20 acres. As soon as I walked in the door, she whipped out a guitar and showed me how she had learned to play one of my favorite songs. She keeps a low profile, but she's stubborn as all get out. When I tried to put make-up on her, she said very matter-of-factly "I think I'm pretty enough the way I am." I love her.

The youngest and smallest is Peter. This brown-eyed, brown-haired boy adds such a spark of life to our family. He loves telling us about his life - his teacher, his thoughts, his convoluted dreams, his friends. On Sunday afternoon, he begged and begged me to go out to the hammock with him and I finally consented. He said, "Okay, now we're going to tell each other the scariest stories we can think of. I'll go first." He continued like this for an hour, asking questions, and then answering them immediately. The best one was "What was your favorite miracle that Christ performed?" He is great.


  1. wish I were there...I love all of those people.

  2. I want to know who Seth is taking out! I can't BELIEVE he's old enough for prom. Oh my gosh.
